Change layer properties


Teaching: 15 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • How do we change symbology of layers?

  • How do we add lables to layers?

  • Know how to Change symbology of layers.

  • Know how to add labels.

Next, we will change the layer properties:

  1. change the symbology
  2. label the map.


  1. Right click Apartment_Selected and choose Properties.

Figure 53. Open Properties window (a)

Open Properties window (a)

  1. Select Single Symbol. Click Marker and select effect drop shadow.

Figure 54. Change symbol (a)

  1. Select the second Simpler maker and remove it.

1Figure 55. Delete the Single Marker

  1. Switch to Apartment_NotSelected layer and open Properties.

Figure 56. Open Properties window (b)

  1. Also select Single symbol. Choose diamond green.

Figure 57. Change symbol (b)

  1. Select the Simple Marker. Go to Fill color and check Transparent Fill.

Figure 58. Change the Single Marker (a)

  1. Change the symbol of GroceryStore_sp. Go to the Properties.

Figure 59. Open Properties window (c)

  1. Follow the similar procedures of changing the symbol for Aparment_Selected to change the Marker for GroceryStore_sp. Choose dot orange and make the marker transparent.

Figure 60. Change symbol (c)

Figure 61. Change the Single Marker (b)

  1. Change the symbol for Neighborhood_sp layer. Open properties. Choose Single symbol and click Simple fill. In Fill color, check Transparent Fill.

Figure 62. Change the Simple Fill

Add labels

We want to label the selected apartments with the prices.

  1. Open Properties of Apartment_Selected layer.

Figure 63. Open Properties window (e)

  1. On the left panel, select Labels. On the right panel, from the top select Single Label. Select Price for Value.

Key Points

  • Make the point hollow to show overlapped points.

  • Use contrasting colors to highlight the points against the basemap.